Our development journey is broken into phases, each building upon the last to deliver a complete ecosystem of data, participation, and governance.
Phase 1: Presentation - CURRENT PHASE
Release Ontocracia APP MVP with initial data (countries, legislative bodies, political parties, politicians).
SemiAutomatic & AI-driven data updates activation, continuosly reviewing and updating the data.
Gather and engage an initial community of enthusiasts and contributors.
Track entities, updates, and sources with greater precision.
Standardize data structure and extraction methods.
Introduce community-assisted data updates.
Provide APIs for data consumption and community participation.
Deepen data sources: add local entities, city councils, and detailed party info.
Integrate supranational organizations (e.g., UN, EU).
Expand entity details with event calendars, live video streams, and real-time news.
Integrate blockchain for immutable data storage.
Launch the official Ontocracia DAO.
Enable user accounts with full privacy control.
Allow comments, votes, and polls on every data element.
Introduce the ability to create fractal DAOs with smart contracts.
Stream first LIVE elections: video, stats, news, real time data, debate, vote...
Expand forums and news features for entities.
Release widgets for sharing polls and community forums.
Launch a mobile app for on-the-go political engagement.
NFTs related to entities & political events
Add AI & gaming layers, turning data into strategy and action games that encourage real-world participation.
Bring fractal DAOs into daily life: from local clubs to global organizations.
Achieve “atomic politics,” with real-time data, dynamic voting, and a standard for consensus-driven laws and decisions secured by blockchain.
Last updated